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[Port Phillip Gazette]


The second anniversary meeting of the Auxiliary Bible Society of Australia Felix, was held in the large hall of the Mechanics' Institution, on Wednesday evening last, 16 November 1842 for the purpose of receiving the annual report of the committee, and for general business. The Secretary, the Rev. James Forbes, read a letter from His Honor Charles Joseph La Trobe, the patron of the society, expressing his inability to preside on the occasion, and another from the president, intimating that he was prevented from attending through indisposition.

The Rev. Mr. Waterfield was then called to the chair, and the secretary read the report, which embodied a number of statistical facts, relative to the circulation of the Bible, in various parts of the world during the past year. The report also stated, that a consignment of Bibles invoiced at £35 19s. 2d. arrived by the "Sultan" in March last, was found, on opening the case, to be so much damaged, that the greater portion of the books were unfit for circulation and were sold by auction for the benefit of the underwriters: 49 Bibles and 38 Testaments were purchased for £6 17s. 3d., out of the invoice at the sale, and handed over to the depository: these books were the only addition the Society had received to their stock during the past year.

Branch associations had been formed, and meetings held, at Williams Town and Collingwood; at which places the sum of £4 3s. had been collected. The Secretary then went into a statement of the Society's accounts; by which it appeared, that, after the sum of £50 had been remitted to the Parent Society, the balance at present in the hands of the Treasurer was £50 4s. 2d.

The Report concluded with announcing, that a great scarcity of the Bible existed in the interior; but chiefly amongst the classes who had been a long time in the colony.

The following resolutions were then proposed and adopted:-

Moved by Rev. William Schofield; seconded by Dr. John Patterson:-

"That the Report now read be received and published in such way as the Committee may deem most expedient."

Moved by Rev. Alexander McKenzie; seconded by Joseph Ankers Marsden:-

"That this meeting have heard, with deep regret, that a lamentable destitution of the Word of Life exists among the humbler classes of this community, which they regard as presenting a most urgent call for exertion, that this destitution may be relieved."

Moved by Rev. Peter Gunn; seconded by Abel Thorpe:-

"That this meeting humbly cast themselves on the support and direction of Almighty God, who alone can render successful any feeble effort of theirs for the advancement of his cause on the earth."

Moved by John Joseph Mouritz; seconded by William Witton:-

"That the following gentlemen be the office-bearers and committee for the ensuing year:- President, Rev. James Clow; Vice-Presidents, Dr. John Patterson, Dr. David Patrick; Treasurer, John Dunbar, Esq.; Secretaries, Rev. William Waterfield, Rev. James Forbes; Committee, W. W. Bell, Bertel Johannes Bertelsen, Peter Davis, Nigel Griesley, William Hull, William Locke, Joseph Ankers Marsden, John Joseph Mouritz, McLure, James Smith, Willsmore, Abel Thorpe."

Moved by Rev. James Forbes; seconded by Peter Davis:-

"That the thanks of this meeting be given to the Committee of the Mechanics' Institution for the use of their commodious hall on this occasion."

After the business of the evening had terminated, a collection in aid of the funds was made, and the sum of £5 19s. 10d. was realised.

("Port Phillip Gazette" - Melbourne - 19 November 1842 )

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Source of Image: National Library of Australia

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Rev. James Forbes

Rev. William Waterfield

Rev. William Schofield

Rev. Alexander McKenzie

Rev. Joseph Ankers Marsden

Rev. Peter Gunn

Abel Thorpe

Rev. John Joseph Mouritz

William Witton

Rev. James Clow

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